Monday, July 26, 2010

Bento Lunch Box #13

Lucky number 13! I made the best homemade mac and cheese tonight, so although Melanie says she's "on a diet" this bento lunch is filled with mac and cheese and a brownie for dessert. Yum! I soaked the apples in lemon juice and water so we'll see if that holds their color. I decorated the mac and cheese with ham cut into flowers with lettuce centers. I just use a hole punch to make the lettuce circles. I bought letter bento cutters from TJ Maxx today. Only $4.99!!! Thanks Nana for my gift card. xxoo


Shannon said...

Very sweet! You found letter cutters at TJ Maxx??? I think I know where I am going tomorrow!

Thanks for adding it to last week's link up! :o)

Bethanie said...

Thanks Shannon! I love, love, love your site! So many great ideas!!!

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